Our Community

When you begin your life in Highlands Pass you will be establishing your own traditions and the legacy you will leave your children. You will meet new friends as you nestle in the acclaimed Highlands-Cashier plateau of Western North Carolina.

There is an incredible serenity here that you can feel deep inside. Awe inspiring beauty and tranquility are everywhere. Just imagine enjoying breathtaking views from the comfort of your living room. Dream about a quiet, peaceful walk in the evening with friends and neighbors. You can be at one with the land here. Take a moment to see and experience some of the truly special places in Highlands Pass.

Highlands Pass is a community, and you and your family will enrich it with your own unique lifestyle.


Please email us at info@highlandspass.com
or call us at 1-800-679-7976 if you need answers not provided above.
We look forward to hearing from you as you make the decision to invest in our mountain community